We are delighted to welcome 5 students from Calvin Theological Seminary, USA. They are Wonho, Guohui, Evie, Debbie, and Cody. The students are accompanied by Dr. Yudha Thianto (Professor of Christian History and Reformed Theology at Calvin Theological Seminary). They will be staying on campus from January 11-25, 2024, as part of a student exchange program that has been agreed upon in a Memorandum of Understanding between the two institutions. Welcome, Dr. Thianto and the Calvin Seminary students!
Kami menyambut dengan gembira 5 mahasiswa dari Calvin Theological Seminary, USA. Mereka adalah Wonho, Guohui, Evie, Debbie, dan Cody. Para mahasiswa didampingi oleh Dr. Yudha Thianto (Profesor Sejarah Kristianitas dan Teologi Reformed di Calvin Theological Seminary). Mereka akan tinggal di kampus dari 11-25 Januari 2024 dalam rangka program pertukaran mahasiswa yang telah disepakati dalam MoU antara kedua institusi. Selamat datang Pak Yudha dan para mahasiswa Calvin Seminary.